RCCGeTour gives Christians the opportunity to worship with Pastor E. A. Adeboye ,the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, during the biennial visit to Israel. It is an all encompassing experience in the presence of God and in His holy city of Jerusalem.
The biennial programme was put together by the leadership of the church to enable members and non -members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Family to interact with Daddy G.O. and to receive from God through direct impartation of the word of God in the holy land of Israel. You need to be there to see what children of God enjoy when they are gathered together to pray and to partake of the Holy Communion at the site of the Sepulcher of our Lord Jesus Christ. Experience fresh anointing from heaven as the children of God lift their voices in praise of the Holy One of Israel in the same mountain where Jesus Christ was transfigured. Come and feel the presence of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane as you join others to pray and share the word of God together in one accord.
Welcome to Israel 2023, God bless you.
Pastor Olusegun Agboola.
Coordinator Israel 2023